There comes a time in ones life where you have to come clean and admit to your mistakes, follies and wicked deeds. This will be my confession to follow. . .
I have done something bad. Like, wicked bad. Seriously. I made some hot sauce and its evil. The problem lies in the taste. Its hot, oh yea, it's hot, but it's not too hot. And the heat doesn't come at once. It kind of stings the tip of your tongue, then you get this sweetness, and a little tang. Then the heat sort of caresses your palate and then builds slowly. But it never over whelms your palate, cause its balanced. So you want more. And this is where you get into trouble, cause it will build, in layers, on your taste buds, until the sweat starts. . . next thing you know your moping your brow and panting like a dog on a hot July day.
So I've created this abomination of chile and garlic and spices, but I don't know what to do, cause I kinda like it. I kinda like it a lot. And I am betting that there are some of you out there that will like it too. So rather than say my Mea Culpa, I am gonna offer all of you free samples this weekend. We think that you'll find it just as wicked bad as we do, and as much fun. Cheers.